Who can apply for the Blue Grants Fund
The following categories may submit a proposal to SeyCCAT:
- Any locally-registered NGO (must be registered for at least 1 year)
- Businesses with majority Seychellois ownership (must be registered for at least 1 year)
- Parastatal organisation
- Government departments or agencies
- All citizens of Seychelles
Proposers must have legally existed and operated in Seychelles for a minimum of one year, where applicable.
Overseas-based applicants
We actively seek to support “creative collaborations.” Overseas-based organisations are not eligible, although proposals from eligible local organisations may include overseas-based partners. Proposals must also be compliant with Environmental and Social Safeguards, if applied by SeyCCAT.
Our due diligence policy requires us to screen the legal status of applicants – before applying to SeyCCAT you should check that you are able to satisfy the screening criteria by the date of disbursement.
Note on the eligibility requirements for the large grants:
The large grants are available to NGOs, and other entities with a proven track record of managing large projects and formal financial and accounting systems in place. Individuals and businesses are not eligible to apply for large grants.