+248 432 5806 info@seyccat.org

SeyCCAT Blue Grants

SeyCCAT’s goal is to competitively grant at least US$ 700,000 per annum to support the stewardship of Seychelles’ ocean resources, island life and blue economy.  We believe that SeyCCAT’s funds provide a solid foundation for creative collaborations and that together we can secure Seychelles’ Blue Future.

SeyCCAT’s current cash flows capitalise our Blue Grants Fund (BGF). We are also exploring options to capitalise a Blue Challenge / Enterprise Fund.

The BGF is our active revolving fund and from where current projects are funded.  Access to these funds is through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process.

These projects are designed and delivered by a range of partners through either:

  • Small grant up to SCR 100,000. These grants will be awarded on the basis of an approved concept note. The maximum duration of grant awards is 12 months for a small-medium grant.
  •      Medium grant between SCR 100, 000 and SCR 1, 000, 000. These grants will be shortlisted on the basis of the concept note (stage 1) and then awarded on the basis of a full proposal (stage 2). The maximum duration of grant awards is 24 months for a medium grant
  • Large grants between SCR 1, 000,000 and SCR 2,000,000. These grants will be short-listed on the basis of the concept note (stage 1), and then awarded on the basis of a full proposal (stage 2). The maximum duration of grant awards is 24 months for a large grant.

We have designed our application process to be as straightforward as possible. We have adopted international best practices to ensure that we select projects through a competitive and transparent process.

Each BGF Request for Proposals focuses on one or more of our five strategic objectives.  In addition, we seek projects that demonstrate alignment with one or more of the four cross-cutting themes.

We are committed to supporting projects that align with national and international priorities, such as those articulated in the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and targets, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi targets and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals.

We are dedicated to supporting partners and projects that demonstrate robust monitoring, evaluation and learning so that we can validate evidence of project impacts and outcomes.   We challenge our partners to be able to demonstrate the social and environmental returns of our investments.  Where relevant, we are keen to explore projects that adopt technology and advance circular, non-linear, regenerative principles.

The RFPs are each unique, designed to build on the learning from previous projects supported by SeyCCAT and others.  Our approach is emergent, and we are committed to a nimble project investment strategy to ensure we are supporting the forefront of national conservation priorities.


Our goal is to be open and accessible to all Seychellois. The following categories may submit a proposal to SeyCCAT.

  • Any locally-registered NGO
  • Businesses
  • Parastatal organisation
  • government department or agency
  • or citizens of Seychelles.

Proposers must have legally existed and operated in Seychelles for a minimum of one year. We encourage applications from partnerships and consortia that can demonstrate a shared vision and appreciation of inter-organisational competencies required to achieve a successful project.  We actively seek to support “creative collaborations.” Overseas-based organisations are not eligible, although proposals from and led by eligible local organisations may include overseas-based partners. The Board of Directors may decide to restrict the participation of any of the above classes of persons or organisations in any RFP, and this shall be indicated in the scope of each specific RFP. Proposers are required to include details of qualifications and experience to ensure that sound judgment can be made concerning the proposer’s ability to deliver the project.  Proposals must also be compliant with Environmental and Social Safeguards, if applicable, applied by SeyCCAT,

Our due diligence policy requires us to screen the legal status of applicants – before applying to SeyCCAT you should check that you are able to satisfy the screening criteria by the date of disbursement.

How to Apply




Application Process:

Application requirements:

Where to start:

Step 1:   Check your eligibility

Find out our eligibility criteria and the list of exclusions

Step 2:   Prepare a Concept Note and a Budget

Whether you are applying for a small, medium or large grant, submit a concept note and an itemised budget. You can prepare your application using the SeyCCAT online platform or submit the Microsoft Word file of the Concept Note

Step 3:  Make sure you have prepared all the documents

You must submit all the documents, you can also attach them on the online platform

  1. Concept Note
  2. Itemised budget
  3. Gantt Chart
  4. Relevant Attachments

Step 4:  Prepare your Stage II Full project proposal

You must submit all the documents, you can also input them on the online platform.

  1. Project Full Proposal
  2. Project Budget Information
  3. Itemised Budget
  4. Logframe  Template
  5. Environmental & Social risks & impacts
  6. Relevant Attachments, including letters of support, co-financing letters and CVs.

Deadline for application: 27th May 2024.

Need help with the application?

Here are the resources we provide to help prepare your application:

Download the Application Guide

Additional Resources:

  • Think of monitoring and evaluation from the design phase, here are some M&E- Top Tips to ensure you deliver impact.


Our dedicated facilitators can be there every step of the way to ensure that you receive the support you need, by way of mentoring and training, as you work through the application process. This can cover project development aspects such as technical assistance in responsible business planning and management, and project monitoring, evaluation and learning for the successful applicants when initiating their projects. See: Summary of support services that facilitators can provide to prospective BGF applicants


Environmental and Social Safeguards

When you are designing your project, think about the risks associated with your project? Will you be working in nature? Will it involved removing fragments of nature? Will you take others with you? Do they also, know how not to hurt themselves or the biodiversity they are working with?

Here are some tips:

E&S – Do and Don’ts

E&S – flow chart guide

Simple Tips for Environmental and Social Safeguards

Had a think – now make a plan! Here is the template for mitigation measures and the environmental and social management plan.

Mitigation measures Template, See example – 20191113 – Allen Boniface – ESMP_Clean_Final

Simplified ESMP Template

Here is an example of an Environmental and social management planClick here


Learn more about your Environmental and Social Responsibility


What are the timescales for applications to be reviewed?
We aim to undertake a first review of all new concept note applications (small-medium and large grants) within 2-3 months of submission.  It could take up to 6 months between the submission of an application and a final decision, so please consider this when submitting an application.
Can I submit more than one proposal at the same time?
Yes, you can submit more than one proposal as a lead applicant.  However, for each specific RFP, we will only consider funding a maximum of one project per organisation.  It is possible you could have more than one active SeyCCAT funded project, but they would have been awarded through different RFPs.  If you present SeyCCAT with a proposal in collaboration with other organisations, and you are the lead organisation, you are eligible to be a non-lead partner on other submissions for the same RFP.
Your guidance says "proposers must have legally existed and operated in the Seychelles for a minimum of one year" - what does this mean?

SeyCCAT will only invest in applicants that can demonstrate adherence to the laws of Seychelles.  Our due diligence policy requires us to screen applicants and so before applying to SeyCCAT you should check that you are able to satisfy our screening criteria. Before we enter into a grant agreement with any potential project partner we will request: ASSOCIATIONS:

  • Proof of organisations / associations certificate of registration (including names of officers of the association);
  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application), which is required to be submitted to the Registrar [1] by the 31st March each year); and,
  • A certified (signed) copy of the minutes of proceedings held at the most recent general meeting.


  • A copy of your NIN / identity card; and,
  • A certified (signed) copy of your police record (this must be a new issue).


  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application);
  • Business Registration evidence (including articles of incorporation, particulars of directors, and;
  • The option of a certificate of good standing.


  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application); and,
  • Sector development strategy document.


  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application); and,
  • Organisational strategy document.

Please also consult the detailed application guidelines to understand the full application process and requirements.


[1] https://www.seylii.org/sc/legislation/consolidated-act/201

Are there any types of project costs you do not support?
A variety of exclusions exist – such as Government administrative or operating costs, large capital purchases, debt servicing – please consult the application guidelines for full details of exclusions.
How do you assess or cap project costs (salary, travel, communications, etc)?

Costs for all budget line items are examined by the Blue Grants Fund committee and decisions are based on realistic and justifiable budgets to deliver the work plan. At present we do not set upper limits (value or percentage of total budget) for individual budget lines such as salaries, external consultants or equipment.  We evaluate projects on a case-by-case basis and we recognise that individual organisations and their proposed projects have unique budget needs and challenges.  Final awards may be subject to negotiation with the SeyCCAT Secretariat.

What Overhead or Management fee can we charge?
Overhead and Management fees may be applied by the proposer but may not be more than more 10% of the total grant.
Are projects expected to link to any national or international targets?
Yes, we expect projects to be able to articulate how they will contribute to the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), as well as the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and targets, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi targets.
What should I do if I cannot find my answer here or in the detailed application guidelines?
Please send us an email with your enquiry at info@seyccat.org and we will endeavour to respond to you within a few days.