+248 432 5806 info@seyccat.org

Welcome to SeyCCAT

Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) strategically invests in ocean stakeholders to generate new learning, bold action and sustainable blue prosperity in Seychelles. SeyCCAT is more than a project donor. It is not just what we do that is important to us, it is how we do it that matters too. We envision for Seychelles’ ocean and islands to be stewarded by the people of Seychelles, generating sustainable benefits for future generations to share.  We create the space for new ideas, help those ideas evolve, forge new creative collaborations, and boost individual and collective impact.

CEPF: Open calls for proposals in Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands

The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and its Regional Implementation Team (RIT) are releasing multiple calls for Letters of Inquiry (LoIs)...

New study sheds light on the distribution of seagrass in Seychelles’ EEZ

  Researchers from the University of Oxford have finalised and shared results from an extensive seagrass distribution assessment undertaken...

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If you have questions about SeyCCAT, please contact us. Or drop in and say Bonzour to us in person!

Oceangate House, Room 109                               +248 432 5806

Flamboyant Avenue, Victoria                                 info@seyccat.org
Mahe, Seychelles

SWIOFish3 Grievance Redress Mechanism

Complaint resolution system for the SWIOFish3 project and project activities financed through the BGF disbursed by SeyCCAT and BIF disbursed by DBS.