+248 432 5806 info@seyccat.org



The Blue Grants Fund of SeyCCAT offers grants to impactful Seychellois-led projects that advance marine conservations, sustainable fisheries, development of new and existing Marine Protected Areas and Sustainable Use Zones, and select other blue sectors. Every year, the BGF opens a 6-week application window (usually in April) when all Seychellois, Seychelles-based NGOs, government entities, parastatal organisations, and businesses registered for more than one year are invited to submit the project proposals for BGF funding. 

The Blue Grants Fund offers grants of three sizes. Small (up to SCR 100,000 follow a 1-step application process and are awarded based on the concept note. Medium (up to SCR 1 million) follows a 2-step application process and require a concept note, and, later, a full project proposal. Large grants (up to SCR 2 million) are available only to governmental entities and NGOs with a track record of successful project implementation and follow the 2-step application process. 

What kind of projects are we looking for

Each funding cycle of the BGF supports one or several strategic objectives of SeyCCAT, which are announced at the start of the application window.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the timescales for applications to be reviewed?
We aim to undertake a first review of all new concept note applications (small-medium and large grants) within 2-3 months of submission.  It could take up to 6 months between the submission of an application and a final decision, so please consider this when submitting an application.
Can I submit more than one proposal at the same time?
Yes, you can submit more than one proposal as a lead applicant.  However, for each specific RFP, we will only consider funding a maximum of one project per organisation.  It is possible you could have more than one active SeyCCAT funded project, but they would have been awarded through different RFPs.  If you present SeyCCAT with a proposal in collaboration with other organisations, and you are the lead organisation, you are eligible to be a non-lead partner on other submissions for the same RFP.
Your guidance says "proposers must have legally existed and operated in the Seychelles for a minimum of one year" - what does this mean?

SeyCCAT will only invest in applicants that can demonstrate adherence to the laws of Seychelles.  Our due diligence policy requires us to screen applicants and so before applying to SeyCCAT you should check that you are able to satisfy our screening criteria. Before we enter into a grant agreement with any potential project partner we will request: ASSOCIATIONS:

  • Proof of organisations / associations certificate of registration (including names of officers of the association);
  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application), which is required to be submitted to the Registrar [1] by the 31st March each year); and,
  • A certified (signed) copy of the minutes of proceedings held at the most recent general meeting.


  • A copy of your NIN / identity card; and,
  • A certified (signed) copy of your police record (this must be a new issue).


  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application);
  • Business Registration evidence (including articles of incorporation, particulars of directors, and;
  • The option of a certificate of good standing.


  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application); and,
  • Sector development strategy document.


  • A certified (signed) copy of your most recent audited accounts (i.e. the year preceding your application); and,
  • Organisational strategy document.

Please also consult the detailed application guidelines to understand the full application process and requirements.

[1] https://www.seylii.org/sc/legislation/consolidated-act/201

Are there any types of project costs you do not support?
A variety of exclusions exist – such as Government administrative or operating costs, large capital purchases, debt servicing – please consult the application guidelines for full details of exclusions.
How do you assess or cap project costs (salary, travel, communications, etc)?

Costs for all budget line items are examined by the Blue Grants Fund committee and decisions are based on realistic and justifiable budgets to deliver the work plan. At present we do not set upper limits (value or percentage of total budget) for individual budget lines such as salaries, external consultants or equipment.  We evaluate projects on a case-by-case basis and we recognise that individual organisations and their proposed projects have unique budget needs and challenges.  Final awards may be subject to negotiation with the SeyCCAT Secretariat.

What Overhead or Management fee can we charge?
Overhead and Management fees may be applied by the proposer but may not be more than more 10% of the total grant.
Are projects expected to link to any national or international targets?
Yes, we expect projects to be able to articulate how they will contribute to the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), as well as the international Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and targets, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi targets.
What should I do if I cannot find my answer here or in the detailed application guidelines?
Please send us an email with your enquiry at info@seyccat.org and we will endeavour to respond to you within a few days.