+248 432 5806 info@seyccat.org

Photo Credit: Dylis Pouponeau



Type: Large

SeyCCAT funds:  SCR 529, 686

SeyCCAT strategic objective: Empower the fisheries sector with robust science and knowhow to improve governance, sustainability, value and market options

Lead Project Partner: Dillys Pouponeau

Partners: TeleSesel

Duration: 12 months

Project Story:

Dillys Pouponeau’s love for the ocean runs deep. Growing up in Seychelles, she learned to swim before she could even walk, and the ocean has become a part of her identity. But over the years, she also witnessed firsthand the impact of human behaviour on the marine environment, from littered beaches to overfishing that wiped out fish colonies around Mahe.

As an aspiring filmmaker, Dillys nurtured an idea to create a documentary about the stunning underwater world of Seychelles and raise awareness among fellow Seychellois about the importance of protecting the ocean. She hoped that by seeing its wonders with their own eyes, people would realize that their own actions could make a big difference in preserving these fragile ecosystems.

In Seychelles, producing high-quality video content that documents the marine environment is challenging due to the exorbitant cost of underwater equipment. The quality of the recording often depends on the quality of the equipment, and to create awe-inspiring footage, a combination of creative vision, technical skills and advanced equipment is needed.

Dillys used a BGF grant to purchase state-of-the-art equipment and cover production costs to create a documentary series that showcases the unique aspects of Seychelles’ marine environment. The series includes topics such as threatened marine species (e.g. sharks, fish, and turtles), the impacts of climate change, the ecosystem services offered by marine habitats like mangroves and coral reefs, and how human activities can affect the underwater environment.

To ensure the series reaches as many people as possible, Dillys partnered with a major private TV channel, TeleSesel, to secure airtime for the documentary. Additionally, she planned a social media campaign to promote the launch and attract viewers from different age groups. Dillys also chose to narrate the documentary in Creole, a rarity in the world of filmmaking, to make it more accessible to the Seychellois audiences.

In the future, Dillys plans to expand the audience for the series and make it available on YouTube with English subtitles. She believes that the series will pique the interest of foreign viewers and help attract more tourists to explore the underwater world of Seychelles.

In this short video, produced with the help of Greenpeace Africa, Dillys shares her vision for the project:


Project Application Form:  Dillys Pouponeau- Nou lanmer ble

Environment and Social management plan: 20200220-Dillys Pouponneau-ESMP