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The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) is releasing a call for Letters of Inquiry (LoIs) for organisations that address the conservation of biodiversity in Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot, and that meet the criteria set out in this call.

 Please read the Call for Letters of Inquiry before applying to this call. Following calls may have different requirements.

Eligible Countries:  Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius and the Seychelles

Opening Date: Friday 8th March 2024

Closing Date: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 – 11:59 pm Eastern Time

Grant Size:More than US$50,000

How To Apply: Submit your application in English or French through the ConservationGrants electronic portal by the closing date. If you do not have a ConservationGrants account, you will need to create a new account. . If you encounter any technical difficulties with ConservationGrants, please e-mail conservationgrants@conservation.org.

Technical scope of the call

CEPF is looking for proposals focusing on the following Investment Priorities as part of Strategic Directions 3 and 4 as detailed in the ecosystem profile

Strategic Direction 2: Support local communities and civil society to strengthen the integration of the EbA approach, ecosystem resilience and biodiversity conservation into political and economic decision-making processes and education.

  • Investment Priority 2.1: Develop engagement strategies with private sector actors for the integration of EbA into their activities,
    and also for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and renewable natural resources.
  • Investment Priority 2.2: Support civil society to disseminate information and influence political and economic decision-making processes in favor of biodiversity, conservation priorities, ecosystem services and EbA.

Strategic Direction 4: Support research and ensure the dissemination of results for the promotion and improvement of knowledge on ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) actions and related good practices.

  • Investment Priority 4.1: Support applied research activities that improve understanding of the role of specific ecosystems and test the effectiveness of promising EbA techniques.

More Information

Online information sessions

An online information session will be held in French on Thursday, March 21st from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (Washington D.C. time zone) and in English on Friday, March 22nd from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. (Washington D.C. time zone) to inform all potential candidates and give them the opportunity to ask questions. The sessions will be recorded.

  • To register to the French session
  • To register to the English session

The sessions will be recorded.

Call for Letters of Inquiry

Additional Resources

Regional Implementation Team

CEPF has enlisted a consortium of nongovernmental organizations to be its regional implementation team (RIT) in the hotspot. Coordinated by IUCN NL and with SAF/FJKM as regional team lead, the RIT includes SAF/FJKM for Madagascar, ID-ONG for Comoros, FORENA for Mauritius and SeyCCAT for Seychelles. These organizations are working with CEPF to implement a five-year conservation strategy for the hotspot and build local civil society capacity. The RIT can be reached via the following email address: cepfproposals@iucn.nl.

The map of key biodiversity priority areas is available at: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/embedmid=1Swob_B3V0nZttpSsncAJ1YjNc5wYOY8&ehbc=2E312F