As part of the CEPF Regional Implementation Team (RIT), SeyCCAT is working with CEPF to implement a five-year conservation strategy for local hotspots and to build local civil society capacity.


The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF), is a global organization whose aim is to support and empower local Civil Society Organizations involved in conservation and climate change mitigation initiatives. The CEPF decided to include Seychelles in its Madagascar and Indian Ocean hotspot (MADIO) Programme last year and calls for proposals were issued with the aim of supporting research institutes and local Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in the fields of climate change mitigation and conservation in order to build strong resilience against the adverse effects of climate change. The Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) is CEPF’s focal point for Seychelles.


CEPF is a joint initiative of l’Agence Française de Développement, Conservation International, the European Union, Fondation Hans Wilsdorf, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan and the World Bank. A fundamental goal is to ensure civil society is engaged in biodiversity conservation.

With funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through AFD as the GCF accredited entity, and from the European Union through AFD acting as the fiduciary agent, CEPF established and is managing a 10-year program of support to civil society organizations to promote ecosystem-based adaptation in the Madagascar and the Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot. Program activities are taking place in Madagascar, Comoros, Mauritius and the Seychelles.

CEPF has enlisted a consortium of nongovernmental organizations to be its Regional Implementation Team (RIT) in the hotspot. Coordinated by IUCN NL, the RIT includes SAF/FJKM for Madagascar, ID-ONG for Comoros, FORENA for Mauritius and SeyCCAT for Seychelles. These organizations are working with CEPF to implement a five-year conservation strategy for the hotspot and build local civil society capacity. The RIT can be reached via the following email address:


Before you apply, make sure to understand what CEPF is looking for in a successful proposal. Each year, CEPF looks for proposals focusing on one or more Investment Priorities as part of Strategic Directions as detailed in the ecosystem profile. Please visit this link before submitting any application.


The RIT will notify all grantees whether or not their application has been successful. Applicants can contact the relevant National RIT Focal Point in case of additional questions about the final decision. If the applicant is not satisfied with the response, a grievance may be submitted to IUCN NL. Read more about the grievance mechanism in the Operational Manual.


If you would like to know more about CEPF’s conservation initiatives in the Madagascar and Indian Ocean (MADIO) Region please register for it by sending an email to


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