Improving the management of 410,000 sq km of existing ocean conservation areas by reducing financing gaps and standing up the governing and managing agency.
Through a network of 13 MPAs, Seychelles has protected half of its total land area and over 30% of its territorial waters. These designations were made possible through to innovative financial mechanisms, namely, the world’s first Debt-for-nature Swap (2015) for ocean conservation and the world’s first sovereign Blue Bonds (2018).
However, financial support remains crucial to maintaining the effective and durable management of the Seychelles’ newly established marine protected areas (MPAs).
Building on Seychelles’ Debt restructuring model, the Blue Nature Alliance is working closely with SeyCCAT to increase and manage the streams of sustainable financing required to ensure a robust and durable MPA network.
The Alliance is also supporting Seychelles’ Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change, and Environment (MACCE) to establish the MPA network’s governance body and management office, a key piece in coordinating implementation and monitoring across such a large network. Througn this partnersmp, essential components for Implementing MPAs have been established, such as ensuring that all MPAs have management plans and capacity building for implementation, surveillance, enforcement, monitoring, and evaluation.