Identify and Test Revenue Generating Possibilities of Seagrass

This report was commissioned by the Seychelles Conservation and Climate Adaptation Trust (SeyCCAT) to identify and test revenue possibilities of seagrass in Seychelles. Seagrass ecosystems are extensive in the Seychelles and provide a variety of services. Recognising the importance of seagrass in Seychelles as a major blue carbon habitat, the Seychelles government committed to protecting 100% of the country’s seagrass by 2030 as part of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. Seychelles among other countries are moving towards measuring national blue carbon amounts and are accounting for them in their greenhouse gas inventories.

Blue carbon is a concept that governments can include in their national greenhouse gas inventories and that companies may also be able to invest in at a scale that can complement the usual philanthropic source of funding for marine conservation. However, the science behind blue carbon and another form of payment for ecosystem services is in its infancy with gaps in evidence and quantification. Furthermore, the contributions provided by seagrass ecosystems for the livelihoods and well-being of the Seychellois communities are poorly understood. This report aims to contribute to national discussions on the revenue possibilities of seagrass for funding the conservation and protection of seagrass ecosystems.

Read full report here

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