Building capacity in Seychelles to advance marine monitoring

Project Lead: University of Seychelles- Blue Economy Research Institute

Quick Facts

Key Biodiversity Area

Curieuse Island Marine National Park

Grant Size


$ 49,000.00

Project Lead

University of Seychelles- Blue Economy Research Institute

Project Description

Building capacity in Seychelles to advance marine monitoring and ecosystem management to increase climate resilience

Researchers are using remote imagery technology to study the marine ecosystems both within and adjacent to the marine protected areas (MPAs) in the study area. By filling important knowledge gaps and building capacity to expand marine monitoring initiatives, this project aims to improve the understanding of the status and distribution of coral reefs and threatened species in selected MPAs, comparing these with data adjacent to each MPA.

The purpose of the project is to i) assist in improving MPA management, ii) build capacity within Seychelles to undertake remote imagery assessments, and iii) engage with key stakeholders, civil society organisations and the public to increase knowledge and understanding of the importance of marine ecosystems and the value of MPAs in conserving the species and habitats inside them.

Project Resources

Final Report