Flavien P Joubert successfully completed an HND and graduate studies at the Manchester Metropolitan University the United Kingdom and Masters studies at York University in Canada. Since 1996, he has worked in the Ministry of Environment. He has held and served in several key posts including Director General for Wildlife Enforcement and Permits, CEO of the Seychelles National Parks Authority and CEO of the Landscape and Waste Management Authority. Mr Joubert was appointed Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Energy on 4th November 2020.
Minister Flavien Joubert
SeyCCAT Chair

Camila has 18 years of experience in conservation finance. She is a conservation trust fund (CTF) specialist and has helped funds to mobilize resources from bi and multilateral agencies on multiple occasions for large multi-year programs. She has served as RedLAC Executive Secretary (Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds) while working in the Brazilian Biodiversity Fund (Funbio), where she led the development and implementation of capacity-building initiatives for CTFs. As an independent consultant, Camila has supported several Latin American and Caribbean CTFs in proposal writing, strategic planning, and organizational development. She is Brazilian, has two sons, and has been based in the UK since 2017.
Camilla Monteiro
SeyCCAT Vice-Chair

Oliver was educated in Seychelles, Singapore (from the age of 9 to 18) and in the United Kingdom (BSc) (Hons) degree in Accounting & Finance, Loughborough University). Oliver is currently the Chairman of the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce & Industry, where he works very closely with local businesses, the various Government Ministries and departments, and all key players in the various industries. Oliver is a partner with ACM & Associates, and until August 2017, he was also the Country Senior Manager of Ernst and Young Seychelles.
Oliver Bastienne
SeyCCAT Treasurer and Chair of the Finance Committee

Paul is a Seychellois entrepreneur who has been the Managing director of the Morin Group of companies for the last twenty years. The family has been involved in a number of different businesses linked with our maritime resources, namely the trade of shark fins, tuna fishery, and sea cucumbers. Paul has been the Chairperson of the Seychelles Sea cucumber Industry (AMSSI), since 2010, and holds the post till today.He currently sits on Sea Cucumber Management Advisory Committee (MAC) and the Association of Fish Processors and Exporters (AFPES). He has also served on the executive committee of the Seychelles Fishermen & Boat Owners Association (SFBOA) in the role of Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Executive member since 2008.
Paul Morin

Founder and executive director of Silhouette Cruises Capt. Amit Wasserberg has spent 5 years in the Israeli Navy, serving in many missions, and later on, captained different vessels and yachts in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, east Pacific Ocean and many parts of the Indian Ocean. Living in the Seychelles for the past 27 years, Amit has sailed most of its waters and knows most islands intimately, as well as other islands and coastal countries in the region, from the East African coast to the Chagos archipelago and Madagascar to the Maldives.
Amit Wasserberg
Chief of the BGF Committee

Cillia is an Executive Director in the office of the Minister in the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade. She has over 17 years of experience working in the Ministry, specialising in Trade issues. Cillia has served and chaired on many national committees and panels as well as Government boards. Prior to her post as Executive Director in the Minister's Officer, she held the post of Principal Secretary for Trade. She has also represented the Ministry as a Trade Attaché in Brussels from 2010 to 2012 and was Charge d'Affaires at Interim in the Seychelles' Mission in Geneva in 2012. Ms Mangroo holds a Master in international Trade Law from the University of Turin and a Bachelor in economics and finance University of Manchester
Cilia Mangroo

Glenny Savy is a highly experienced Chief Executive who has demonstrated the ability to lead diverse teams of professionals to new levels of success in a variety of highly competitive domains and fast-paced environments. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Politics from Murdoch University, Western Australia, 1979-1982. Glenny is the long-standing CEO for the Islands Development Company (IDC). He has strong technical and business qualifications with an impressive track record of more than 35 years of hands-on experience in strategic planning, business unit development, project and product management.
Glenny Savy

Mrs. Phillianne Ernesta is currently the Principal Secretary for the Blue Economy. She joined the Department of the Blue Economy (DBE) in October 2016 as the Director of the Maritime Boundary Delimitation Division before assuming a new role as the Director General for Blue Economy's Policy and Programme Management Division in January 2020. She has some 13 years of work experience in the public sector and has previously occupied the posts of Research Analyst and Archivist. Mrs Ernesta holds a bachelor's Degree in Anthropology which was accredited by the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in South Africa. She also holds a Diploma in General Management; accredited by the University of Seychelles.
Philianne Ernesta

Peter Purvis is currently the Group Legal Advisor for Hunt, Deltel & Co. Ltd. He previously worked as a legal advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of the Blue Economy. He has over 12 years of experience working in the legal field, during which he was part of the Legal Team formulating and negotiating the legal framework for the Seychelles-Mauritius Joint Management Area in the Mascarene Plateau and worked on several Innovative Financing Mechanisms for the promotion of the Blue Economy. Mr. Purvis holds a Bachelor of Laws (with Honours) from the University of Hull in the United Kingdom and a Diploma in the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law from the Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy, Rhodes, Greece.
Peter Purvus

Dr. Frauke Fleischer-Dogley is the CEO of the Seychelles Islands Foundation (SIF), which manages and protects Seychelles' UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Aldabra Atoll, and the Vallée de Mai. Her mission is to improve the management effectiveness of Seychelles' World Heritage Sites using science-based management decisions and innovation. Frauke is a trained conservation biologist with over 15 years of experience in protected area management and has worked in tourism planning and international cooperation with the Government of Seychelles.
Dr.Frauke Fleischer-Dogley
Board Observer

Dr. Nirmal Jivan Shah is a Seychellois environmentalist with extensive experience in environmental positions in various sectors. He has led internationally acclaimed projects to rescue bird species from extinction and is currently managing a climate change adaptation coral reef restoration project. His work extends to the East African Region, and he is a founding member of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA). Dr. Shah is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Nature Seychelles.