The main objective of the consultancy is to investigate the economic valuation of seagrass. This should include an assessment of the direct and indirect economic benefits/services provided by seagrass ecosystems, including fisheries, tourism, and coastal protection. The ecological (functions and services of seagrasses, such as habitat provision, water filtration, and carbon storage) and social valuations (the cultural and recreational significance of seagrass habitats for the locals/local community) should also be evaluated to inform the economic valuation.
Scope of work
1. Literature Review and Economic Valuation Analysis:
• Conduct a comprehensive review of existing studies on coastal wetlands (seagrass if available) ecosystem valuation, methodologies used, and key findings.
• Review reference documents, policies and frameworks that impact seagrass conservation and management
2. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with local communities, fishers (e.g. the fishers association), and other stakeholders and partners of the project to gather qualitative data on social, scientific (where feasible, economic) values and dependencies on seagrass ecosystems.
3. Economic Analysis: Use valuation methods such as contingent valuation, cost-benefit analysis, and ecosystem service assessments to quantify the socio-economic benefits of these ecosystems. Clear analysis should be developed into small case studies to indicate if there is a difference in these socio-economic benefits between the inner islands’ and outer islands’ seagrass meadows and their value accordingly.
Download the full terms of reference here. These must be consulted before applying. All proposals are to be sent to info@seyccat.org with afaure@seyccat.org in cc.